- James Bond 007: Nightfire (77845 pregleda)
- Age of Empires (132581 pregleda)
- Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (142650 pregleda)
- Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (206151 pregleda)
- Medieval: Total War (59000 pregleda)
- Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (51938 pregleda)
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein (196544 pregleda)
- Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (173955 pregleda)
- Heroes of Might and Magic IV (52067 pregleda)
- Max Payne (63961 pregleda)
- Morrowind (179586 pregleda)
- Grand Theft Auto 3 (800677 pregleda)
- Serious Sam: The second encounter (77222 pregleda)
- SoF 2 : Double helix (40434 pregleda)